Well, here it is: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorum, ullam, ducimus, eaque, ex autem est dolore illo similique quasi unde sint rerum magnam quod amet iste dolorem ad laudantium molestias enim quibusdam inventore totam fugit eum iusto ratione alias deleniti suscipit modi quis nostrum veniam fugiat debitis officiis impedit ipsum natus ipsa. Doloremque, id, at, corporis, libero laborum architecto mollitia molestiae maxime aut deserunt sed perspiciatis quibusdam praesentium consectetur in sint impedit voluptates! Deleniti, sequi voluptate recusandae facere nostrum?
Tempore, eos, voluptatem minus commodi error aut eaque neque consequuntur optio nesciunt quod quibusdam. Ipsum, voluptatibus, totam, modi perspiciatis repudiandae odio ad possimus molestias culpa optio eaque itaque dicta quod cupiditate reiciendis illo illum aspernatur ducimus praesentium quae porro alias repellat quasi cum fugiat accusamus molestiae exercitationem amet fugit sint eligendi omnis adipisci corrupti. Aspernatur.
Here are a few photos from our many outings...
During our day excursion to Harbor Island, we had the pleasure of eating lunch outside at the Rockhouse Restaurant. It was a very pleasant experience with baby chicks running around begging for food. It was cute hearing their chirps for hunger.
Our date night as traditionally been on tuesdays and this week, we decided to double with our cousins. The had been to Food Truck Tuesday's before, but it was our first time. The food selection was vast.
If you want to go from Nassau to one of the family islands and you don't have your own private boat, chances are you will wind up at the Ferry Terminal. It is a great place to meet people and take in the fresh sea air as you wait for your ride.
The Hawks made the playoffs in 2014 and we ere able to get sme tickets for one of their games against the Pacers. Unfortunately they lost, but it was a great experience for us both.
During or trip to Canada for a wedding, we stopped at Niagra Falls so that we could take in the scenery and take some pics. I, for one, hadn't been to Niagra in at LEAST 15 years and was more than excited to see if it was as big as I remember as a child.
Do you want to see some of the prettiest sand in the world? Go to Harbour Island. They have natural pink sand beaches due to the coral that has broken up and washed ashore. It may not look that pink in the pictures, but if you don't believe use, we have some that you can see in a bottle that we brought back. Best honeymoon ever.
The final destination of our road trip. We had the honor of being invited to our cousins' wedding. Although we knew the journey would be long, we endured it and it was well worth the long drive.
Sometimes date night occurs in the day time. This was one of those times. As long as we've lived in Atlanta, neither of us had been to the zoo. It was an amazing experience. Next stop, Georgia Aquarium.
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